SAGE's Equity Innovation Lab Microgrant Application 2024 

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PAGE 1: About this opportunity


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Grant Overview
The Equity Innovation Lab Program is a year-long national microgrant program that will offer 1) unrestricted funds of up to $8,000, 2) training and resources, and 3) networking opportunities to eight local community groups or small organizations led by and working to support BIPOC, TGNBNC, and/or rural elders and multigenerational groups.

The grant will fund a specific project or program working to offer support, resources, and/or connection to BIPOC, TGNCNB, and/or rural elders and multigenerational groups. This project can be a planning or needs assessment project for a new program or service but the process must actively engage community members through ongoing activities. 

Program Components and Mutual Expectations

SAGE will disburse $8,000 to grantees to cover indirect or direct costs of a proposed project or program.

Grantees commit to attending required: grantee kick-off meeting, and at least 4 more grantee gatherings, most of which will be held virtually.

Grantees commit to sharing their ongoing and emerging needs throughout the year via required monthly check-in calls.

SAGE commits to providing training, resources, and support to grantees as needed.

SAGE commits to helping grantees network with each other and with other organizations, funders, and partners.

SAGE commits to collaborating with grantees to co-present and co-publish learnings.


Eligible entities include:

-Groups and small organizations with annual operating budgets $100,000 or less. Exceptions may be made for departments or divisions launching new initiatives within large organization structures (for example, Area Agencies on Aging, Tribal Councils, etc.)

-Must be based in the U.S. and U.S. territories (such as Puerto Rico)

-501(c)(3)(4) status is NOT a requirement BUT you will need to find your own fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3)(4) status if you are not a registered entity

-Newly formed groups/organizations are welcome to apply

-Groups/organizations working with majority BIPOC, TGNBNC, and/or rural LGBTQIA+ elder communities. Multigenerational communities are okay but MUST involve elders*

-Groups/organizations with BIPOC, TGNBNC, and/or rural LGBTQIA+ elders in leadership roles*

-Groups/organizations with ongoing activities supporting and involving community for at least a year

-Groups/organizations who can commit to a year of participation in grantee gatherings, monthly check-ins, and technical assistance trainings

-Groups/organizations with a specific and detailed project

*Groups/organizations who have not worked with elders in the past but intend to ARE eligible but should demonstrate how they will meaningfully and authentically engage elders

Ineligible entities include:

-Groups or organizations with annual operating budgets greater than $100,000. Exceptions may be made for departments or divisions launching new initiatives within large organization structures (for example, Area Agencies on Aging, Tribal Councils, etc.)

-Groups or organizations based outside of the U.S. and U.S. territories

-Individuals/groups aiming to support an individual community member's need

-Individuals seeking financial support for personal needs

-For-profit organizations or projects

-One-time activities or projects

-Groups/organizations seeking support exclusively for capacity building (for example, seeking funds towards general overhead costs for established programs and services)

-Groups/organizations serving a community whose majority is not LGBTQIA+: BIPOC, TGNBNC, and/or rural individuals

-Groups/organizations without representation from LGBTQIA+ BIPOC, TGNBNC, and/or rural individuals in leadership roles

PAGE 2: Application Guidance


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Here is what you will need to fill out this application:
  • Any materials you already have stating your mission, your vision, your staff members, your goals, and the community you work with and serve. This might come from many difference sources such as:
        -An organizational charter document
        -A strategic plan
        -An annual report
        -Meeting notes
        -Previous grant proposals
        -A website
        -Results from a community focus group, survey, etc
        -Anything else you use to share who you are and what you do with the world
  • A detailed description of the specific project you are proposing for this grant
  • A detailed action plan and timeline with specific activities, staff, and expected: activities (steps), persons responsible, challenges, threats, and communication plan
  • A list of anticipated pain points and technical assistance needs
  • Two (2) budgets:
        -One for your group/organization as a whole (for total operating expenses only)
        -One for the specific project proposed under this grant (to be submitted with detailed line-items)


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Resources to help you apply
Funding Priorities
Selection Panel members will  take into consideration the following funding priorities to ensure a diverse group of grantees:
  • Geographic diversity (i.e. rural and urban representation; representation from regions and states across the country)
  • Representation across BIPOC, TGNC, and rural communities
  • Program Focus (i.e. Health and Wellness, Arts, Finances, Housing, Transportation, Justice-Involvement, etc)

Scoring Rubric

  • ADDRESSES NEED Addresses unique and/or critical community need(s)
  • BOLD Offers creative and/or bold ideas in response to community need(s)
  • REACH IS WIDE OR DEEP Project touches the lives of many historically underserved LGBTQ+ older people and/or offers intensive support to small group of LGBTQ+ older people who have been historically underserved
  • REPRESENTATIVE LEADERSHIP Engages (or has clear plan to engage) marginalized LGBTQ+ older people in meaningful, mutually-beneficial, and trust-based ways
  • ENGAGING Offers a dynamic range of activities for community involvement
  • FEASIBLE Presents project goals and activities that are feasible given the time and funds available during the grant period
  • SPECIFIC Describes a project that is specific, as illustrated by a project plan with tasks, staff leads, and goals tied to a timeline

Applications can receive up to 10 points for each criteria above. The maximum number of points an application can receive is 60 points.
  • 1 POINT - Does not provide enough details or offer a focused response that addresses the grant priorities or objectives of the specific rubric criteria. 
  • 3 POINTSProvides some interesting details but does not provide enough focus or clarity in addressing the specific rubric criteria. Does not make connections between needs, project activities, and expected outcomes.
  • 6 POINTSProvides thorough details and is focused but does not clearly or consistently. Offers some connections between needs, project activities, and expected outcomes. Does not necessarily connect current project with long-term vision.
  • 10 POINTSProvides thorough details is focused. Consistently and clearly explains how activities address needs and lead to expected outcomes. Additionally, offers insights about how the project will help fulfill long-term vision.
Panelist Recommendations

Guided but not limited by the funding priorities and scoring system above, three panelists will make one of the following recommendations as part of their collective decision making. 

1) ______ I am in support of awarding grant funding to this project.

2) ______ I am in support of awarding grant funding to this project, pending more information about or changes to _________________.

3) ______ I am not in support of awarding grant funding to this project at present.
Selection Process
1. SAGE Staff screens applications for basic eligibility (February 12-15, 2024)
2. SAGE Staff sends applications to Selection Panel members. Your application will receive two written reviews from two different Selection Panel members (February 16-23, 2024)
3. Selection Panel members meet to select finalists (Week of February 29, 2024)
4. [If necessary] Selection Panel members interview 10 finalists (March 6-13, 2024)
5. [If necessary] Selection Panel members meet to select awardees (Week of March 25, 2024)
6. All applicants notified of award status (Week of April 8 , 2024)

Page 3-Eligibility

Thank you for your interest.

Unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply for this grant. 

If you are an international group or organization, please visit: 
LGBTQ+ Aging Worldwide – SAGE (

PAGE 4: About you


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Tell us more about your group/organization and the community you serve.

Contact Information

PAGE 5: About your project


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Project Details

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Action Plan Template (You must complete this template in order for your application to be considered complete)

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Additional Materials

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